Liner Notes
Winnebago Dreams
(Original Version)
We dreamed about it all our lives
Every time that one would pass us by
We did a little math
Figured we could put down half
We dreamed about it all our lives
So we sent away for their brochure
Took the online 3-D tour
It came with GPS and those automatic steps
And paradise right outside the door
Winnebago dreams, Winnebago dreams
Happy as the sky is blue
Rocky Mountain scenes and a traveling latrine
Rolling down the road with you
We can tow the car behind
See what we see and what we find
You can be the DJ while I’m driving in my PJs
Leave the meanness of this world behind
All our lives we sacrificed
Three children and two nine to fives
It’s something we deserve hey what’s that coming round the curve
Jesus did you see that guy
Winnebago dreams, Winnebago dreams
Happy as the sky is blue
Rocky Mountain scenes and a traveling latrine
Rolling down the road with you
People run around so fast
I’ll move over, you can pass
Yah but you can’t smell the flowers at a thousand miles an hour
You’re gonna have a heart attack
I used to want to save the world
Wanted to be the one to save the world
Now all I want is chocolate and vanilla ice cream swirled
In a kiddie cone from Dairy World
Winnebago dreams, Winnebago dreams
Honey have you seen my shoes
Sittin’ on the throne headed into San Antone
Wish they’d put a window in the loo
Winnebago dreams, Winnebago dreams
Happy as the sky is blue
Rocky Mountain scenes and a traveling latrine
Rolling down the road with you
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Brian Mitchell: Accordion
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Harmonica, Glockenspiel
Track Name: Winnebago Dreams (Original Version)
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Dan Pallotta
Mixed by Dan Pallotta and Jon Gordon
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings
Sue and Fiore lived on autumn Street
Can John come outside and ride bikes with me
Childhood memories are bittersweet
That neighborhood was family to me
Sue passed just yesterday morning
Fiore about a year back
Autumn Street won’t ever be the same without them
And they’re not coming back
Ashes to ashes and nursery rhymes, Rock-a-Bye Baby and Jesus
Won’t be that much of me left for goodbyes, feel like I’m leaving in pieces
My mother had 22 uncles and aunts
I remember reunions at that big summer camp
The fins and the chrome and the songs and the dance
Ephemeral nature of circumstance
One by one they all had to go, Anna, Johnny, Lilly, Grace, Polly and Joe
The green grass of home on the radio
Dearly departed and covered in snow
A heart can be broken just so many times, between what precedes and receives us
Won’t be that much of me left for goodbyes, feel like I’m leaving in pieces
The faraway song of the ice cream truck
Thin wooden spoon and a paper cup
Melody drifting away with the wind
Didn’t know I’d never hear it again
Measure the distance from little to tall
Pencil a name and a date on the wall
Close to the plate keep your eye on the ball
Fall asleep trying to pray for them all
Ashes to ashes and nursery rhymes, Rock-a-Bye Baby and Jesus
Won’t be that much of me left here to die, feel like I’m leaving in pieces
I feel like I’m leaving in pieces
I feel like I’m leaving in pieces
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Brian Mitchell: Accordion
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar and Vocals
Soozie Tyrell: Fiddle and Background Vocals
Track Name: Pieces
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Dan Pallotta
Mixed by Jon Gordon
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings
I’m not going back to the factory again
Monday I’ll be sixty-five
Thirty years on the line felt like they’d never end
Looking back they go by you like lightning my friend
I don’t have to be sure I set the alarm anymore
Wake up to the of light of the moon
Find my clothes in the dark and step light on the floor
Start my truck in the cold at a quarter to four
We’re gonna sail places we’ve never been
My grandkids, me, my wife, and the wind
No one knows where you go, when you come to your end
But I’m not going back to the factory again
You gave me a living and it served me well
I’m proud of what I gave you back
I have no complaints about the cards I’ve been dealt
Just I got things now I want to do for myself
We’re gonna sail places we’ve never been
My grandkids, me, my wife, and the wind
No one knows where you go, when you come to your end
But I’m not going back to the factory again
Said my goodbyes to the guys and the gals in the crew
Gave me a gift from the company store
Some faces were old and some faces were new
Some faces are gone some are just passing through
We’re gonna sail places we’ve never been
My grandkids, me, my wife, and the wind
No one knows where you go, when you come to your end
But I’m not going back to the factory again
Rob Allen: Electric Guitar
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar and Vocals
Ross Petersen: Drum Loops
Track Name: Factory
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Dan Pallotta
Mixed by Ross Petersen
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings
KIckin’ a Stone
I’m just kicking a stone, down the road
I’m just seeing how far I can make it go
I’m just takin’ it nice and easy and slow
I’m just seeing how far I can make it go
Sometimes I sleep, sometimes I lie
Afraid and awake and alone in the middle of the night
The grace and the power and the beauty opf the mornin’ light
Awake and afraid and alone in the middle of the night
From where do we come, to where do we go
We’re all living together in the I don’t know
Light from a star and the wave from a radio
We’re all living together in the I don’t know
All of the saints and all of the sins
Wishing I could feel the way I felt when I was seven again
Hey there buddy been a long time where ya been
Wishing I could feel the way I felt when I was seven again
I’m just kicking a stone, down the road,
I’m just seeing how far I can make it go
I’m just takin’ it nice and easy and slow
I’m just seeing how far I can make it go
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Rhett Huffman: Harmonium
John O’Reilly: Drums and Percussion
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar and Vocals
Ross Petersen: Background Vocals, Programmed Drums
Track Name: Kickin’ a Stone
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Ross Petersen and Dan Pallotta
Mixed by Ross Petersen
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings
I got one hub cap, that ain't fallen off
It rains right after I get the car washed
My homemade meals, are all store bought
I'm the man that fortune forgot
I ain't ever been found, I was born lost
There's a guy in the mirror keeps writing me off
If I was bound for glory, I'da missed my stop
I'm the man that fortune forgot
I wanted the green beans they gave me the squash
Tried to find Jesus, but the chapel was locked
My brake lights dim, whenever I stop
I'm the man that fortune forgot
I called heads, for every tails I tossed
I'm returning the lottery tickets I bought
All my business ideas, somebody already thought
I'm the man that fortune forgot
'Til death do us part, it's a very sweet thought
But her lips are always moving and I never get to talk
She don't say nothing, but she says it a lot
I'm the man that fortune forgot
Met a kid in a wheelchair, down the barbershop
Lost a leg in the war and his buddy got shot
And it got me wondering, whether or not
I'm the man that fortune forgot
So I got up next morning, went for a walk
Said all of this negative thinking must stop
But it was one more thing that I couldn't pull off
I'm the man that fortune forgot
Went to the cemetery, they said you'll never guess what
Somebody just purchased, the very last plot
So I'm sorry my friend we can bury you not
I'm the man that fortune forgot
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Brian Mitchell: Accordion
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar and Vocals
Soozie Tyrell: Fiddle
Track Name: Man that Fortune Forgot
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Dan Pallotta
Mixed by Jon Gordon
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings
I was happy being lonesome, sad and blue
Perfectly miserable before I met you
Then you came along, gentle as a lamb
Undermined all of my solitary plans
I shoulda told somebody call the police
Tell them I was having an emergency
I put up a fight but it wasn’t no use
Had to face up to the fact I couldn’t live without you
I’m a victim of kindness, I’m a victim of sweet
I’m a victim of the way you wrap your arms around me
Perfectly tortured soul I was
Look at me now I’m a victim of love
Catepillar turns into a butterfly
Frigid winter night into a summer sky
Son of a bitch into a really nice guy
Standing at the altar with tears in my eyes
I’m a victim of kindness, I’m a victim of sweet
I’m a victim of the way you’re always takiing care of me
Perfectly tortured soul I was
Look at me now I’m a victim of love
Snow on the grass, melting into mud
Buckets on the branches and green on the bud
Sap is on the burner, bubbling up
My baby’s in the kitchen I’m a victim of love
I count my blessings every single day
Yesterday alone I had a hundred and eight
Twenty-three years we’ll be together this fall
Nights are getting shorter and the kids are getting tall
I’m a victim of kindness, I’m a victim of sweet
I’m a victim of the way you’re always patient with me
Perfectly tortured soul I was
Look at me now I’m a victim of love
Happy as a clam, before it gets dug, look at me now I’m a victim of love, Whenever I want I get a great big hug, look at me now I’m a victim of love, It’s the opposite of what I thought it was, Can of diet soda and a meatball sub
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Megan Gould: Fiddle
Rhett Huffman: Harmonium
John O’Reilly: Drums and Shaker
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Harmonica
Soozie Tyrell: Fiddle
Track Name: Victim of Love
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Dan Pallotta
Mixed by Jon Gordon
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings
Friends parked all around a little house that day on River Road
Aaron is survived by his wife and five year-old
The things we don’t see coming, that God does not forbid
Bible says “Thou shall not want” but the cancer did
And the stars are in their heaven, sands are on their shores
They must have sold the car he drove, I don’t see it around here anymore
Staring out his bedroom window, at the man in the moon
Asking things that turn a boy into a man too soon
Why’d you leave without me, how come people have to die
Waiting for his daddy’s car to pull into the drive
And the stars are in their heaven, sands are on their shores
They must have sold the car he drove, I don’t see it around here anymore
She said I wish that I could touch his hands, hold his body close
I wish it was how it was before, he was diagnosed
The endless universe, come to our little neighborhood
You know it’s up and down she said, but today we’re pretty good
Aaron died at forty-five beside the two he loved the most
Today I wear your wedding ring, tomorrow I’m a ghost
And the stars are in their heaven, sands are on their shores
They must have sold the car he drove, I don’t see it around here anymore
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Rhett Huffman: Harmonium
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar and Vocals
Track Name: Ghost
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Dan Pallotta and Jon Gordon
Mixed by Jon Gordon
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings
Drove to the city of angels
Seeking fortune and fame
Took a room in a house, there you were
Gotta live your life forward
But I heard a fella say
You can only understand it in reverse
Tried to write a love song
Just be yours and mine
No matter what I did
Couldn’t make it rhyme
I was always in pursuit
You were always on the run
Looking for a better man in the downtown bars
And I never got the truth
When I asked where you were coming from
Always a new excuse and another stranger’s car
Tried to write a love song
Just be yours and mine
No matter what I did
Couldn’t make it rhyme
Jealous doesn’t sound like comfort
Angry don’t sing like sweet
Tender doesn’t rhyme
With how it always felt to me
Don’t misunderstand me
It takes two to do a dance
You were pretty as the prairie, I was far away from home
And the city of angels
Is full of loneliness
Felt like a dime-a-dozen kid, you were Marilyn Monroe
Got a message from an old friend
Three of us were close
Asking me to be in touch, I called him on the phone
I knew what he was gonna say
Somehow you had passed away
Forty years gone by, you were still alone
Tried to write a love song
Just be yours and mine
No matter what I did
Couldn’t make it rhyme
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Brian Mitchell: Accordion
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar and Vocals
Soozie Tyrell: Fiddle
Track Name: Couldn’t Make it Rhyme
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Dan Pallotta
Mixed by Jon Gordon
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings
World Famous Voted Best Number One Lobster Roll
Maybe you’re outta work, maybe things are slow
Wanna skip this town, but you don’t know where you should go
We can fix you up when you’re sinking low
With the world famous, voted best number one lobster roll
Now we got deep, fried onion rings
Little box of those and you’ll forget everything
Ask anyone around here, ‘cause everyone around here knows
We’re the world famous, voted best number one lobster roll
May we suggest a shake, to go along with that
Now’s not the time to worry about getting fat
Maybe a black and white, sip it nice and slow
With the world famous, voted best number one lobster roll
Now you come this far, so let me tell you son
The benefits multiply when you have another one
Remembers that they say, fortune favors the bold
So have another world famous, voted best number one lobster roll
Little mayo on the meat, melted butter on the bun
Thank you pal you’re order 271
People wait in line, from every country you can name
For all their differences, everybody’s the same
Eveybody got a smile, way deep in heir soul
Everybody wants a world famous, voted best number one lobster roll
It’s the little things in life, that lighten the load
We’ve got tables overlooking the sea or you can take it to go
Just take your foot off the gas, we’re by the side of the road
Come on and get a world famous, voted best number one lobster roll
Now troubles will come and trouble will go
We’ll be closing for the season next week to get ready for the snow
But one day at a time and before you know
We’ll be back with the world famous, voted best number one lobster roll
Broken hearts, existential woes
We’ll be back with the world famous, voted best number one lobster roll
Best 32 bucks, that you ever let go
We’re the world famous, voted best number one lobster
World famous, voted best number one lobster
World famous, voted best number one lobster roll
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Megan Gould: Fiddle
Brian Mitchell: Accordion
John O’Reilly: Drums and Percussion
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Hand Claps, Foot Stomp
Soozie Tyrell: Fiddle
Track Name: World Famous Voted Best Number One Lobster Roll
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Dan Pallotta
Mixed by Jon Gordon
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings
’Til the Summer Comes Again
’Til the Summer Comes Again
2/4 G
Well I cleaned up the boat, put the cover on the pool
Summer chairs in the barn, kids back in school
Trees are yellow and red, sky’s a bright blue
Green is faded from the grass, got the snowblower tuned
Times that we’ve had, times we have left
Think about it too long, scares me to death
Little speck of light at the Milky Way’s end
Half a billion miles “til the summer comes again
The older I get, quicker everything goes
One day you’re lying on the beach, next day you’re shivering in the cold
Kids are thirteen, another five years
They’ll be waving goodbye, I’ll be holding back tears
Times that we’ve had, times we have left
Think about it too long, scares me to death
Little speck of light at the Milky Way’s end
Half a billion miles “til the summer comes again
’Til the summer comes again
Another trip around the sun, sailing through the stars
Don’t know where we come from, don’t know where we are
Everything dies, sure as it begins, take the screen door down, put the storm door in
Times that we’ve had, times we have left
Think about it too long, scares me to death
Little speck of light at the Milky Way’s end
Half a billion miles “til the summer comes again
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Brian Mitchell: Accordion
John O’Reilly: Drums and Percussion
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar, and Vocals
Soozie Tyrell: Fiddle
Track Name: ’Til the Summer Comes Again
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Ross Petersen and Dan Pallotta
Mixed by Ross Petersen
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings
Winnebago Dreams
We dreamed about it all our lives
Every time that one would pass us by
We did a little math
Figured we could put down half
We dreamed about it all our lives
So we sent away for their brochure
Took the online three-D tour
It came with GPS and those automatic steps
And paradise right outside the door
Winnebago dreams, Winnebago dreams
Happy as the sky is blue
Rocky Mountain scenes and a traveling latrine
Rolling down the road with you
From the redwoods to the Gulf stream coast
We stop at every little trading post
Tiny diners, greasy spoons and ice cream every afternoon
And man we meet the nicest folks
We never know what we're gonna find
The front seats swivel and recline
Driving in our PJs taking turns being the DJ
Towing the car behind
Winnebago dreams, Winnebago dreams
Happy as the sky is blue
Rocky Mountain scenes and a traveling latrine
Rolling down the road with you
All our lives years we sacrificed
Three children and two nine to fives
Well, it's something we deserve
Hey, what's that coming 'round the curve
Jesus, did you see that guy
Winnebago dreams, Winnebago dreams
Honey, have you seen my shoes
Sittin' on the throne headed into San Antone
Wish they'd put a window in the loo
Winnebago dreams, Winnebago dreams
Happy as the sky is blue
Rocky Mountain scenes and a traveling latrine
Rolling down the road with you
Happy as the sky is blue
How'd I get to roll around with you
Tony Garnier: Acoustic Bass
Brian Mitchell: Accordion
Dan Pallotta: Acoustic Guitar, Vocals
Soozie Tyrell: Fiddle
Track Name: Winnebago Dreams
Artist: Dan Pallotta
Written by Dan Pallotta
Produced by Dan Pallotta
Mixed by Jon Gordon
Mastered by Jon Gordon
Published by (with IPIs): CThings